VBS 2024: Operation Restoration
Vacation Bible School at First Presbyterian Church of Tyler 2024 was a hit, with the theme of Operation Restoration, Mending God’s World. The VBS invites kids to be menders in God’s world. As they make connections between Bible stories and mending actions, they’ll discover simple ways to live out faith in daily life. Everyone at Operation Restoration explores language and practices to mend God’s world.
A restoration theme that inspires everyone to be menders of God’s world; daily themes kids understand; feed, heal, forgive, pray, and rest; multisensory activity centers: art, music, science and nature, service learning, and storytelling. FPC Tyler had over 20 children participate in VBS this year. We hope to see that number grow! Check out the photos below and stay tuned for VBS 2025 news! You can find more photos on the FPC Tyler Facebook Page.
After a two-year hiatus, First Presbyterian Church of Tyler resumed Vacation Bible School and had an outstanding response to the event. VBS participants learned about the role of solar power as it sustains life, gives energy, lights the earth, brings warmth, and promotes growth. Each day included a gathering time, a Bible study, solar puzzles and experiments, solar crafts, snacks and solar games, and solar mission moments.

Vacation bible school
August 3-5 | FPC Tyler | Highlights of VBS 2022
-Pastor Brendan leading the Hot Potato game
-Solar stoves baking s’mores on the front porch of FPC. There were six teams building solar stoves. Some of the names of the solar stoves named by children were: The Solar Flares, Feisty Fajitas, Sparkle Rainbow, The Oven Masters, and The 3 Supersonics.
- Scott Dubre demonstrating the Solar Updraft Tower to curious VBS’ers.
-.Ms. Vandy and daughters, Annan and Maillie, and Abigail Franzen helped assist in the assembling of the pinwheels which rotated and floated over the Solar Updraft towers.
-Ms. Laura Swartz, Ms. Florrie Wallace and Mrs. Cory Sills leading the children in music throughout VBS.
The mission project
Email the Rev. Brendan McLean, director of children's ministry for information.