The Totals Are In:
A HUGE thank you to everyone who donated to this year's Souper Bowl of Caring! You helped to bring in an overwhelming 5,472 canned goods and nonperishable items and $1,272 in donations for Patriot Pantry at UT Tyler. We should all be so proud of this accomplishment.
The Sunday School Showdown Winner:
And, now for the results of the Sunday School Showdown...the winning Sunday School class is (drum roll please)...THE FORUM! Congratulations! Details will follow on your catered breakfast.
“These donations really are such a blessing.”
Thank you’s all around:
Special thanks as well go to the youth, families, and friends who helped move the multitude of cans and boxes into, around, and out of the church. Everyone’s mission efforts were fantastic from start to finish. It’s such a beautiful thing, too, to know that our donations will go directly toward helping local college students in need.
Thank you again to everyone who contributed this year.
For more information or to donate more canned goods, contact the church office at 903-597-6317.