FPC's Sesquicentennial Celebration
FPC will be celebrating its sesquicentennial!
FPC will be celebrating its sesquicentennial!
Kick-off the Advent season with Christmas crafts and brunch during the Sunday school hour.
It's time to put on your Halloween costume and enjoy some fellowship!
A weekly small group for students grades 6-12. Friends welcome!
Plan to bring your appetite and a favorite dish to share the First Covered Dish Luncheon of the Next 150 Years!
You have created a reputation for hospitality as we host Grace Presbytery meetings!
Confirmands begin their journey to become the newest members of this faith community.
A youth conference for East Texas students with small groups, a mission project, worship—all generously sprinkled with games and energizers at Camp Gilmont in Gilmer, TX. For students grades 6-12.
Children, ages 4 years through 2nd grade, join us for praise songs, Bible stories, prayers, snacks and games!
Join us for the back to school blessing!
This event has been cancelled!
High school youth throughout the synod gather for a small-group intensive week.
The youth mission trip will be in Irvine, Kentucky. For students entering grades 6 - 12.
Join us for a special service of commissioning for the attendees who will be embarking on the youth mission trip.
Celebrate with our soon-to-be graduating seniors.
Once a year, the youth of FPC Tyler lead the congregation in worship, contributing their talents to everything from the scripting of the service to the music to the prayers.
The results are in for the Souper Bowl of Caring and the Sunday School Showdown!
The senior high youth's conference.
Help the youth for SHYC’s mission project collection.
Help the youth collect canned goods and monetary donations for local charities.
Calling all college-age students who are “home for the holidays!"
All youth are invited to a Christmas Party!
All youth are invited to spread Christmas cheer!
Join FPC in giving the gift of warmth to those who are homeless in our area.
We’re going on a mission…to help PATH set up for Coats for Kids winter coat drive! For students in grades 6-12.
We’re going on a mission…to capture the flag without getting covered in color powder! For students in grades 6-12.
This gathering is for parents, caregivers, and other youth-volunteers who are interested in serving on the Student Ministries Team—or those who simply want to be more in-the-know!
Join us for a swim party for students grades 6-12 and parent mixer.
Join us for different approach to Sunday school.
The youth mission trip will be in Beaumont, Texas. For students entering grades 7 - 12.